Course Management System (CMS)

The technology product that manages course content and assessment tools, allowing content to be accessed, uploaded, modified, and then delivered to students as student-facing learning experiences. CMS’ are also referred to as Learning Management Systems (LMS).
Designer’s Tips
If you purchase a digital curriculum, it will be housed in its own learning management system. Some will allow you to add content, or performance tasks, others won’t. If their CMS (also called an LMS) won’t allow you to add, or you decide not to add, you’ll need an additional system for Performance Tasks: there are various options available. 2Revolutions has created a few tools to help designers learn about the various digital tools they will need to consider. It’s worth reviewing their documents to get a sense of how different tools interact with and support each other.
Tips for a Short Implementation Time-Line
If you purchase a digital curriculum, it will be housed in learning management system. Some will allow you to add content, or performance tasks, others won’t. If their LMS won’t allow you to add, or you decide not to add, you’ll need an additional system for Performance Tasks: there are various options available. With a tight timeline, it’s potentially better to delay purchasing an LMS, unless teachers are creating their own curricular materials. Teachers will have their hands full working with digital learning assets.

Curated Resources: This collection of resources from the field includes models and exemplars, as well as “DIY” guidance to facilitate your exploration of this term. 

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Course Management System (CMS)

The technology product that manages course content and assessment tools, allowing content to be accessed, uploaded, modified, and then delivered to students as student-facing learning experiences. CMS' are also referred to as Learning Management Systems (LMS).

Enkuber - App Development

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Iqra - Business Development

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Ninza - Branding Identity

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